
Showing posts from May, 2017

#StrokeZoneProductions Calling anyone touched by the cataclysmic life event called stroke!

#ILookLikeAStrokeSurvivor Campaign


#StrokeZoneProductions New show debuting very soon!

#TheStrokeZone We must

#TheStrokeZone Inspirational

#TheStrokeZone Endorses The Best Brain Possible

#TheStrokZone Creative graphic

#TheStrokeZone Inspirational

Aaron Goes Live W.A.M. (What's on Aaron's Mind) Part 2

I'm Injured Not Stupid Podcast Aaron Goes Live Segment 1 of 2

#TheStrokeZone Stem Cell Transplant Versus Drug Therapy for Severe TBI

#TheStrokeZone Stem Cell- traumatic brain injury

#TheStrokeZone Endorsed event - The Brain Health Online Summit

#TheStrokeZone #AboutFamousQuotes

#TheStrokeZone #AboutBrainInjury TBI lecture

#TheStrokeZone #AboutFamousQuotes

Bishop TD Jakes 2017, Special Mothers Day Message Sunday Service Rebroad...

Formal apology to Brain Injury Resource Group (BIRG) from Second Chance Stroke and Brain Injury Group

#TheStrokeZone Happy Mothers Day to all you stroke and brain injured mom's

#TheStrokeZone Wow picture of San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge

#TheStrokeZone #AboutFamousQuotes

#TheStrokeZone #AboutFamousQuotes

#TheStrokeZone #AboutFamousQuotes

#TheStrokeZone #AboutFamousQuotes

#TheStrokeZone #AboutFamousQuotes


#TheStrokeZone A truth of life taught in a cartoon

#TheStrokeZone Meet your host of The Living Hope Show debuting soon!

Channel 9 News: Screening for AF in older people to cut risk of stroke a...

#TheStrokeZone Inspirational


#TheStrokeZone Meet stroke survivor Aaron Avila and his amazing family!

#TheStrokeZone Words Of Encouragement

#TheStrokeZone Please show my family support and tune in tonight!

#StrokeZoneProduction having trouble submitting Ollice Burke to the T.D. Jakes Show

#TheStrokeZone Brain injury inspirational

#TheStrokeZone Spiritual truth.

#TheStrokeZone Just added two new survivor members from the Philippines to our worldwide stroke chat!

#TheStrokeZone W.A.M. What's on Aaron's Mind

#TheStrokeZone Be thankful

#TheStrokeZone So true Will Smith!

#StrokeZoneProductions So blessed!

We would like to debut show first Tuesday of next month. What topics would help you survivor?

#TheStrokeZone If you like this Blog please follow this Blog

#TheStrokeZone I just posted this to my personal timeline on Facebook

#TheStrokeZone Loved The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks: Official Trailer (HBO)

#TheStrokeZone Amazing Picture

#StrokeZoneProductions If you would like to participate in our live audience.

I'm Injured Not Stupid Podcast Aaron Goes Live Testing new live stream

#TheStrokeZone Is spiritual not religious.

#TheStrokeZone Is taking to you planet earth.

#TheStrokeZone Global Stroke News Alert! Philippines

#StrokeZoneProductions New Show Banner

Aaron Goes Live W.A.M. (What's on Aaron's Mind)

#TheStrokeZone Loves World Pediatric Stroke Association

#TheStrokeZone #StrokeFactFriday 5/5/17

W.A.M. What's on Aaron's Mind. Only positive self talk. 1-12-17

#TheStrokeZone Your mind can help heal your brain damage survivors